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Renesas RH850: Speed up the Flash programming 01-Dec-2023
To increase the Flash programming speed, you can use initialization files from pre-configured winIDEA Workspace Examples. Solution: 1. Download winIDEA Workspace Examples . 2. Select a suitable workspace. 3. The initialization file is by default added in Hardware menu / CPU Options / Initi...
How to connect BlueBox and Target via Debug Adapter? 23-Nov-2023
The Debug Adapter is directly connected to the Target and the other side connects via the ribbon cable to the iC5000/iC5700 connectors. Detailed steps in Hardware Setup and Configuration Tutorial. Configuration steps: 1. Connect the Power supply. 2. Connect the BlueBox and PC. 3. Connect t...
How to configure maximum debug interface frequency for best debug performance? 29-Nov-2023
Maximum debug interface frequency ensures that under all circumstances the debug interface communication works reliably, which is especially important during FLASH programming, where in worst case an error in transmission could cause the CPU/SoC device failure. Higher debug interface frequ...
Power On/Off procedure 19-Sep-2024
For powering use only original accessories, which are delivered together with the BlueBox hardware. If you wish to use a power supply different from the delivered one, consult with technical support first. Powering On/Off steps 1. Power on the BlueBox. 2. Power on the Target Board. When de...
TriCore VX-toolset: Determine the version, revision, and patch level 18-Sep-2024
To determine the version, revision, and patch level information of a TriCore product, follow the below steps: 1. Navigate to the installation path\ctc\bin directory of the TriCore VX-toolset , for example, C:\Program Files\TASKING\TriCore v6.3r1\ctc\bin . 2. Open the command prompt (cmd.ex...
Why isn't the control program a part of the qualified toolset components? 17-Sep-2024
The control program (cctc) facilitates the invocation of the qualified tools of the TriCore toolset from a single command line. If you would like to know which options are passed to the individual executable, you can enable the verbose option -v and review the output. The control program i...
TriCore Qualification Kit: Qualified toolset components and options 17-Sep-2024
To see which tools are qualified, refer to section 1.6 Qualified toolset components in the SAFETY MANUAL C/C++ TASKING VX-TOOLSET FOR TRICORE . To see which tool options are qualified, refer to the Annex I List of qualified tool options in your SAFETY MANUAL C/C++ TASKING VX-TOOLSET FOR TR...
TriCore VX-toolset Qualification Kit Package 17-Sep-2024
The Qualification Kit includes the following: Safety Manual for the TriCore VX-toolset Perennial CVSA test suite configuration files, which allow users to run the Perennial test suite with the TASKING TriCore tools (using customized tool options). The Perennial test suite itself is not inc...
TriCore Eclipse IDE: An Error had occured. See the log file 17-Sep-2024
TriCore VX-toolset v6.3r1 Eclipse IDE requires a 64-bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v8 or above. The installer tries to detect if a 64-bit JRE is already present. If not, it will install JRE build v1.8.0_162. If multiple JRE versions are installed, it might happen that the Eclipse inclu...
Arm Cortex / Texas Instruments AWR Family: Download to Local RAM fails 17-Sep-2024
When debugging a Texas Instruments AWR family device, it is possible that the RAM download after a reset/power cycle fails. Possible solution A soft reset is needed. Use the SoftResetCR4 script . More resources Arm Cortex architecture-specific notes -winIDEA Help